Holiday travel with pets: Is it a good idea?

Does your family travel during the holidays? The holiday season can be quite overwhelming as it is, not to mention throwing a pup into the mix. As a pet owner we must plan ahead to make arrangements while we’re away. Do you travel with your pets or leave them home?
While having your fur-baby on vacation with you is awesome, there are some factors to consider first. How are you traveling? Is it by airplane, car, or train? Besides additional fees for pet transportation on airplanes or trains, there are other factors to consider. Does your pet deal with anxiety? Traveling with pets can be stressful for you and your pet. Talk to your veterinarian about options for your pet.
Also, how long is your trip? Will your pet have access to use the restroom and get a drink of water? Sure a dog will be OK for an hour or two but what about long trips? You know your pet, so watch for signs of discomfort to avoid accidents.
Unless you have a small dog, which even then can be interesting, traveling in a car with your pet can be a challenge. Pets should be secured properly for their safety and should help with “running around” the vehicle.
Your destination is going to be another major factor in this decision. Do they allow pets? Maybe you’re staying at a hotel or Aunt Betty has pet allergies; these are common questions that should be asked prior to your trip.
Sounds fun so far right? While the benefits of spending the holidays with your fur-baby outweigh all the challenges of traveling, you should seriously consider these factors before making a decision.
So, you may ask, what do I do with my dog if I leave him home? Well, there are a number of options. You may check into your local lodging facility however, make sure to do your homework. Take a tour and ask questions. You may also have a friend or relative stay with the dog. Do what you think is best for your pet.


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